Meet us!

James – Main Creator/Founder

Hi there! I’m excited to get started on my blogging career and I can’t wait to get some great content out to you guys. I grew up in the Bay Area for all my life. Lover of outdoors since year round you can do outdoorsy things here (sorry rest of the country/world). I’m a big Golden State Warriors fan along with the Oakland A’s, (though Baseball is pretty boring to me) Chicago Blackhawks, (my dad was born in Chicago and is a huge Hawks fan) Las Vegas Raiders fan – though my fandom for them has diminished since they left Oakland, and finally just an overall Soccer nerd. While sports was a huge part of my life growing up, my love for it has diminished over the years. I have gotten into reading a lot once I became an adult (though still trying to figure out how to be an adult at times….) and enjoy reading everyday. I have tried to get to watching more things but I feel overwhelmed sometimes with how much content there is out there. There is just a constant output of new shows and a flooding of recommendations that come in. In my free time I like to golf a lot – my life goal is to get to a scratch golfer! There’s a lot more to me than this little write up but that was this blog is all about; getting my thoughts and personality out in my content! I hope you enjoy your time here on the site and welcome to the TrashFire nation!

Austin – Contributor